When You Feel Like Giving Up on Yourself

When you feel like giving up on yourself, your immediate inclination is to double your work ethic. That’s a great idea if you want to send yourself down a rabbit hole of depression.

The reason doubling your work ethic doesn’t work is because of the reason you already feel like quitting: you aren’t seeing results. You work harder because you’re brainwashed to think that the harder you work, the faster the progress you’ll make. Think about this question:

How do you think you’ll feel when you double the amount of effort you’re putting into something, after already feeling down about it, and you continue to see no results?

How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up on Yourself

Instead of increasing your work load, take a step back and think about that question. Instead of asking yourself what more you could do, ask yourself why you’re doing it in the first place. Instead of focusing on the lack of results you’re seeing, get back in touch with the process of doing it.

You can only do what you believe you’re capable of doing.


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